Technical data

A car/caravan changeover switch is provided
in this module and should be used in the
following way:
Caravan position
When in this position dc power is available
from the caravan battery to power all 12 volt
electric circuits.If the charger is switched ON
the caravan battery will be charged up via
the charger/transformer unit.
Central position
When in this position with the charger switch
ON, power is provided to all 12 volt circuits
via the charger/transformer only.
With the charger OFF all dc circuits are
Note: The switch should be placed in this
position when the van is being towed.
Car position
Note: First of all the towing vehicle should
be electrically connected to the caravan via
the 12S socket.
The switch can be placed in this position
should the caravan battery become
discharged and no mains power is available.
It is recommended that a good quality
leisure battery is always in circuit when the
system is in use.
A deep cycling heavy duty 12v battery
should be purchased to provide power for
lights and other electrical appliances. A
proprietary brand leisure battery with either a
60 or 90amp capacity is recommended.
Note: 90 amp batteries and above should be
checked dimensionally before purchasing, to
ensure fitment within the battery
compartment, as brands vary in size.
It should be remembered that batteries
suitable for the electrical demands of a
caravan differ in design from those for use
with a car, and whilst the system may
operate with a car battery it is strongly
recommended that only a leisure type
battery, maintained in good condition is
used. The battery should be kept topped up
at all times.
The battery should be positioned in a
compartment vented to the outside and
should be properly secured.
WARNING: When connecting the battery,
ensure that the correct polarity is
observed (black is negative and red is
positive) and that the terminals are
securely fastened.
Under normal circumstances it should not be
necessary to remove the battery other than
for routine inspection of terminals and
“topping up”.
WARNING: Explosive gases may be
present at the battery. Take care to
prevent flames and sparks in the vicinity.
Your caravan has been fitted with an in-line
fuse between the battery terminal and strip
connector. It is recommended that the fuse
rating fitted in this location does not exceed
20 amps.
WARNING: Switch off all appliances
and lamps before disconnecting the
Smoking is prohibited around the
battery compartment.
To preserve the life of your leisure battery
and charger please observe the following:
i) Do not leave all 12v lights powered at the
same time as this will drain your leisure
battery more rapidly.
ii) If all 12v lights must be powered together,
ensure the battery is 'in-circuit' i.e.
selector switch in the 'van' position and
that the battery charger is turned on.
iii) For optimum performance use the
transformer/charger unit with a leisure
battery attached.