Technical data

Fitted Equipment
The bunks (if any) fitted to your caravan are
guaranteed to a weight limit of 11 stones
(70 kg).
1. Remove bunk from its stored position
below lockers, taking care to draw out
each side equally thus avoiding damage
to the caravan walls.
2. Locate on bunk supports and unfold,
ensure open bunk is pressed firmly into
position and cannot slide out of bunk
3. Locate safety boards.
4. Arrange seat cushions to suit.
On caravans with rear side windows fitted
with cassette blinds, care must be taken to
avoid damaging the blind frame. Lower the
bunk bed (unopened) onto the rearmost
section of the bunk support rails, slide the
front of the bunk forward whilst at the same
time unfolding it.
Ensure that your fingers are clear of the front
upstand whilst opening and closing the
WARNING: Always ensure safety boards
are located before entering the bunk.