Recipe Book

600 ml milk
salt, pepper and nutmeg
Put together with:
3 tablespoons butter
250 g green lasagne
50 g Parmesan cheese, grated
50 g mild cheese, grated
Using a sharp knife cut the bacon from
the rind and gristle and cut into fine dice.
Peel the onion and carrot, clean the cele-
ry, dice all vegetables finely. Heat the oil
in a casserole, sauté the bacon and the
diced vegetables while stirring constantly
to break up and deglaze with the meat
stock. Season the meat sauce with to-
mato purée, the herbs, salt and pepper
and simmer with the lid on over a low
heat for about 30 minutes. In the mean-
time prepare the Béchamel sauce: Melt
the butter in a pan, add the flour and
cook until golden, stirring constantly.
Gradually pour in the milk, stirring con-
stantly. Season the sauce with salt, pep-
per and nutmeg and simmer without a lid
for about 10 minutes. Grease a large
rectangular ovenproof dish with 1 table-
spoon of butter. Layer alternately a layer
of pasta sheets, meat sauce, Béchamel
sauce and mixed cheese in the dish. The
last layer should be a layer of Béchamel
sauce sprinkled with cheese. Place the
rest of the butter in small knobs on the
top of the dish.
–Shelf position: 1
Time in the appliance: 55 minutes