Fry Top Grill/Griddle Installation and Operating Instructions

62.9677.01_UL Seite 3
S The installation, adjustment and initial opera-
tion of the appliance must be carried out
according to the manufacturer's instructions
and may only be done by an authorised spe-
S Installations for the supply of electricity and
gas must be carried out by approved special-
ists in compliance with specific national and
local regulations. They bear the responsibil-
S The installation must conform with local
codes, or in the absence of local codes, with
the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI
Z223.1/NFPA 54, or the Natural Gas and
Propane Installation Code, CSA B1 49.1.
S The appliance and its individual shutoff valve
must be disconnected from the gas supply
piping system during any pressure testing of
that system at pressures in excess of 1/2 psi
(3.5 kPA)
S The appliance must be isolated from the gas
supply piping system by closing its individual
manual shutoff valve during any pressure
testing of the gas supply piiping system at
test pressures equal to or less than 1/2 psi
(3.5 kPA)
S The appliance must not be placed in
operation until the user has become familiar
with its operation. The operating instructions
and the related safety precautions must be
followed precisely. Follow strictly the
attention and warning label indications on the
S The manager is responsible for ensuring that
all components relevant to safety are in per-
fect working order at all times. The operating
condition of these components must be
examined by an authorised specialist at least
once a year and any defects remedied if
S The operator of this appliance is responsible
for total observation of the national regula-
tions concerning operating safety.
S Remain the manual for future reference.
S Closed containers (jars, cans, bottles, tubes,
etc.) must not be heated owing to the danger
of bursting and injuries.
S The appliance is only approved for cooking
food in commercial establishments. .
Touching the hot cooking zones can cause
S When putting oil, fat, water or ingredients in
the preheated hot frying pan, they may spit -
danger of burning!
Overheated oil can ignite spontaneously. Never
use water to extinguish burning oil, but smother
the flames with the lid or a damp cloth.
S Filling quantity and temperature must be sel-
ected as appropriate. At high temperatures
(above 100°C) too much liquid in the trough
can lead to boiling over and spitting. - Dan-
ger of burning!
S The escape of burnable gases represents a
fire and explosion hazard. Action in the case
of a gas leak and a smell of gas:
- No smoking, no fire
- Do not operate electric switches or bells.
- Do not operate the piezo igniter
- Close gas cylinder valves and the main
gas valve on the appliance.
- Ventilate the room thoroughly
- Place the leaking gas cylinders upright in
the open with valves closed.
S The waste-gas outlets of the fryer become
hot. Avoid touching them.
S The waste-gas outlets of the fryer are not to
be covered by any objects.
S Spraying the appliance or parts of it with a
high-pressure cleaning device may cause
malfunctions and is not to be done.
S Keep the appliance area free and clear from
S Do not obstruct the flow of combustion and
ventilation air.
S To avoid damage to the appliance, do not let
water flow from the mixer tap onto the coo-
king plates.
S For appliances with a downpipe, the hose
should lead into a drain opening which is cov-
ered by a grating such that it cannot be
kicked or tipped, or a drain gutter should run
underneath the appliance.
S Devices on wheels set up in block configura-
tion must be checked before each start-up
whether the potential equalization is con-
nected with the neighbour equipment. The
connection may be done only by authorized
technical personnel.
S Appliances on wheels must be fastened to
the building.
S In the event of a permanent fault which inter-
feres with operation, the appliance must be
switched off and disconnected from the
power supply.
S To perform maintenance and repairs contact
the factory, the factory representative or a
local service company.
S Repair, maintenance work and other adjust-
ments are only to be carried out by an
authorised specialist. The valid local and
national regulations must be observed. This
applies especially to burners, ignition, safety
and control elements. Parts requiring
replacement are only to be replaced by origi-
nal spare parts. Periodic tests for gas leaks
must be carried out. A service contract is
therefore recommended.
S Cleaning and maintenance must be done
only when the heating surfaces are cold. Do
not use inflammable liquids to clean the
S An obligatory service check is required