User's Manual Part 2

8) Click the Next command button.
If no value is specified for the conveyor speed or the default oven temperature
values, the software will remind the user to set them.
9) Select your process specification by selecting a Paste from the database or
previously created Target 10 Specification. If your Paste does not appear in the
database list click the New command button to create a new one. Refer to topic
Software>Menus>Process>Create new Paste for more information.
The OvenCHECKERuses the begin temp, end temp and liquidous temp to
measure the initial slope, soak, TAL (time above liquidous), peak parameters from
the selected Paste or Target 10 Specification. Then based on the range of the
parameters taken from the 3 OvenCHECKERsensors, automatically calculates
the USL (Upper Specification Limits) and LSL (Lower Specification Limits).