User's Manual Part 2

3) On the Start dialog box, click the Verify Process command button and the
workflow wizard appears.
navigating through the wizard, the step list on the left uses a color key
to inform the user of the current step, steps that have been completed and
remaining steps.
4) Select the desired instrument from the dialog box to choose the M.O.L.E. Profiler.
If a M.O.L.E. Profiler has already been selected during a different process, the
software automatically selects the M.O.L.E. Profiler connected to the COM port
previously used.
If the software does not detect a M.O.L.E. Profiler, using the communication
cable connect it to the computer and click the Scan for Instruments
command button to search again. M.O.L.E.® MAP software allows multiple
instruments to be connected to a computer at one time. Selecting the Scan for
Instruments command button will detect all instruments and display them in
the dialog box. If no instrument is detected the software displays all of the
Demonstration thermal profilers to select from.