User's Manual Part 2

To move the Process Origin:
1) Position the mouse pointer over the Process Origin.
2) When the mouse pointer becomes a , click and hold the left mouse button to
drag it left or right releasing the mouse button when the Time (X) Reference line is
at the desired location.
The X/Y Readout in the Status Bar indicates the true position of the Process Origin while
it is being moving. After the mouse button is released, the X-Readout changes to zero at
the Process Origin and displays negative numbers for X when the mouse pointer is
moved to the left of the Process Origin.
Reference line values are automatically adjusted when the Process
Origin is moved.
To display the distance of a conveyor process along the X-axis, adjust the Process Origin
to the data point that was recorded at the start of the conveyor process. Now set the
conveyor speed in the Oven Configure dialog box located in the Profile menu. Conveyor Speed Indicator
Located at the top of the Process Origin, there is a Conveyor Speed Indicator that
displays the speed of the machine conveyor specified in the selected machine recipe.
Refer to topic Software>Menus>Machine>Set Machine Information.