User's Manual Part 2

Process Parameters: Initial slope, Soak, TAL & Peak parameters derived from
the associated paste for the currently selected data run.
Limit Adjustment: Upper and lower specification limits from the selected process
for each parameter. The user can adjust these as needed to meet their
Parameter Values: Actual values derived from the current data run.
Normalized Values: Parameter values in the data run converted to a single
number based on a 0-10 scale. The software takes the parameter value then
determines where it is in respect to the upper and lower specification limits. If the
actual parameter value is in the exact center of the specification limits the
normalized value will be a perfect 10.0.
Example: The Peak Temperature has an upper limit of 240.0°C and a lower
limit of 195.0°C. The software subtracts the upper limit (240.0°C) from the
lower limit (195.0°C) equaling (45°C). Then the software creates a 0-10 scale
by dividing the 45°C by 20 equaling a scale of 1 point for every 2.25°C.
If the actual parameter value for channel 1 is 210.0°C. The software then
determine where that value lands on the 0-10 scale. In this case it is 15°C
higher than the lower limit so the software divides the 15°C by the scale value
of 2.25°C which equals at 6.7 on the scale.