Maintenance Guide Part 4

NeTIS MAINTENANCE GUIDE – Version 1.1 113/139
Menu to select the communications protocol between the network management terminal and
The media used to communicate with the new equipment must be selected. The choice is
made by clicking on the image and validating using OK. Cancel returns to the previous menu.
Next, depending on the automatic or manual authentication choice, a different window
The "no connection to the equipment" menu specific to automatic authentication is used to
retrieve a new key via internet in exchange for the old key without necessarily being
connected to the equipment. The procedure is divided into several steps.
9.7 Manual authentication (by phone) Network connection to the equipment
This software will therefore make it possible to authenticate equipment by phoning Etelm (or
downloading a key via internet). First the parameters must be configured. To do this, enter the
equipment IP address (which should belong to the same sub-network as the authentication
network management terminal if using a switch or a router...) and the communications port.