Installation Instructions

Important preliminary consideration:
Before carrying out the end position settings, decide on
a certain relief function (different combinations available
according to the following models).
This will save you unnecessary time and effort during con-
Press one of the drive buttons until the drive system indica-
tes switchover to setting mode with a short automatic stop.
Now, you can set the end positions. After setting both end
positions, the setting mode is closed.
5.6.1 Relief function for end position(s)
If one end position was programmed to limit stop, an additi-
onal relief function can be activated for the fabric.
The relief function is only active in wireless operation.
Activation of the relief function (for options B to D) is carried
out in one step with programming of the end positions (refer
to sections 5.6.7 to 5.6.9)!
5.6.2 Relief function at the upper stop
For option B (refer to section 5.6.7)
and option C (refer to section 5.6.8):
Activating the relief function at the upper limit stop
Using the installation cable or a programmed trans-
mitter, keep the UP button pressed from step
(section 5.6.7 and 5.6.8) and press additionally
(simultaneously) the DOWNbutton . Keep both
buttons pressed until the fabric stops.
The relief function at the upper limit stop is activated.
5.6.3 Relief function at the lower stop
For option C (refer to section 5.6.8)
and option D (refer to section 5.6.9):
Activating the relief function at the lower limit stop
In a medium fabric position, using the installation
cable or a programmed transmitter, keep the DOWN
button pressed from step (section 5.6.8 and
5.6.9) and press additionally (simultaneously) the
UPbutton . Keep both buttons pressed until the
fabric stops.
The relief function at the lower limit stop is activated.
5.6.4 Changing / deleting of end positions
and deleting the relief function
It is not possible to change or delete one individual end
position. This is always carried out in pairs (upper and lower
end position at once).
By deleting the end positions, also the setting of the optio-
nal relief function is lost.
Complete, uninterrupted up and down movement is neces-
sary to adapt the fabric protection system to the fabric.
Changing / deleting of end positions
In a medium fabric position, using the installation
cable or a programmed transmitter, simultaneously
press both direction buttons ( and ) and keep
them pressed until the drive system brie y moves up
and down.
Deleting the end position settings is completed.
The end positions can be reset.
5.6.5 Programming or deleting additional
fabric positions
Intermediate position programming:
refer to transmitter instructions.
Ventilation position programming:
refer to transmitter instructions.
Intermediate position deleting:
refer to transmitter instructions.
Ventilation position deleting:
refer to transmitter instructions.
5.6.6 Four options for end position settings
Four different combinations of end position settings are
available that can be selected according to the technical
requirements of the fabric.
End position settings (4 options)
Upper and lower end position freely con gurable
Fixed upper end position,
lower end position freely con gurable
Fixed upper
and lower end position
Upper end position freely con gurable,
xed lower end position
Fig. 8 Options of end position settings for SunTop-915
5.6.7 Option A: Upper and lower end position
freely con gurable
Option A:
Upper and lower end position freely con gurable
In a medium fabric position, using the installation
cable or a programmed transmitter, press the UP
button until the fabric has reached the desired
upper end position.
The drive system starts, stops brie y and starts
again (as long as the UP button is pressed).
Corrections can be made with the buttons and
Keep the DOWN button pressed until the drive
system stops automatically.
The upper end position is set.
Press the DOWN button again, until the fabric
has reached the desired lower end position.
The drive system starts, stops brie y and starts
again (as long as the DOWN button is pressed).
Corrections can be made with the buttons and
Keep the UP button pressed until the drive sys-
tem stops automatically.
The lower end position is set.
End position setting of option A is completed.
Fig. 9 End position setting option A:
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Relief function | End position settings