User's Manual

Incorrect installation, commissioning or operation of the
Structural changes to the product without the written
approval of the manufacturer
Operating the product with incorrectly installed connec-
tions, defective safety equipment or with not properly
installed safety and protective equipment
Failure to observe the safety regulations and instructions
included in these operating instructions
Non-compliance with the speci ed technical data
2.5 Customer service of the manufacturer
In case of a defect, the product may only be repaired by
the manufacturer. Please refer to section „Address“ for the
return address of the customer service.
If you did not acquire the product directly from elero, please
contact your supplier.
3 Safety
3.1 General safety instructions
These operation and installation instructions include all
safety instructions for prevention and avoiding of dangers
during handling of the product over its entire life cycles.
Compliance with all speci ed safety instructions ensures
safe operation of the product.
3.2 Layout of safety instructions
The safety instructions in this document are marked by dan-
ger signs and safety symbols and are designed according
to the SAFE principle. They include information on type and
source of the danger as well as on possible consequences
and on prevention of the danger.
The following table de nes the design and description of the
levels of danger with potential physical injuries as they are
used in these operating instructions.
Symbol Signal
DANGER Warns of a potential ac-
cident with if instructions
are not complied with
leading to life-threatening,
irreversible injuries or
WARNING Warns of a potential ac-
cident with if instructions
are not complied with lea-
ding to severe, potentially
life-threatening, irreversib-
le injuries or death.
CAUTION Warns of a potential ac-
cident with if instructions
are not complied with
leading to light, reversible
Fig. 1 Notation of personal injury
The following table describes symbols used in these ope-
rating instructions for illustration of dangerous situations
in connection with the respective symbol for the level of
2 | US+CA © elero GmbH
Standards and guidelines | Safety
2.1 Standards and guidelines
During system design, basic safety and health requirements
of applicable laws, standards and guidelines were obser-
ved. The safety is con rmed by means of the Declaration
of Conformity (refer to „EC Declaration of Conformity“). All
safety information in these operating instructions are based
on currently applicable laws and regulations in Germany.
All information in the operating instructions must be obser-
ved at all times. Apart from the safety instructions in these
operating instructions, applicable local regulations on pre-
vention of accidents, environmental protection and occupa-
tional safety must be observed. Regulations and standards
for safety assessment can be found in the EC Declaration
of Conformity.
2.2 Intended use
This product is intended for use in facade construction for
driving electrical sun protection devices.
Decisive for the determination of the drive system is the
elero drive computation program (
Other applications must be approved in advance by the ma-
nufacturer elero GmbH Antriebstechnik (refer to „Address“).
The operator alone is liable for all damage due to improper
use of the product. The manufacturer does not assume any
liability for personal injuries and property damage due to
misuse or procedural violations by improper use or commis-
The product may only be operated by trained and autho-
rized personnel under observation of all safety instructions.
Safe and correct operation and operational safety of the
product is subject to operation according to its intended use
according to the provisions of these operating and installati-
on instructions.
The receiver must only be connected with equipment and
systems approved by the manufacturer. The operator is not
protected against interference by other wireless systems
and terminal equipment (e. g. also by means of wireless
systems) that are properly operated within the same fre-
quency range. Wireless systems must not be operated in
areas with increased interference factor (e. g. hospitals,
airports etc.). Remote control is only allowed for equipment
and systems if malfunctions in hand/wall transmitters or
receivers do not lead to damage for personnel, animals or
property or if this risk is covered by other safety installati-
The intended use includes observance and compliance of
all safety instructions included in these operating instruc-
tions and all applicable regulations by the trade association
and applicable laws for environmental protection. The inten-
ded use also includes compliance of all company regulati-
ons included in these operating and installation instructions.
2.3 Foreseeable misuse
Foreseeable misuse includes operating the product not in
accordance with the intended use approved by the manu-
facturer elero GmbH Antriebstechnik (refer to „Address“).
2.4 Warranty and liability
Generally, the general terms and conditions of sale and
delivery of the manufacturer elero GmbH Antriebstechnik
(refer to „Address“) apply. The terms and conditions of sale
and delivery are part of the sales documentation and are
handed over to the operator on delivery. Liability claims for
personal and property damage are excluded if such dama-
ge is due to one or several of the following causes:
Opening the product by the customer
Improper use of the product