User's Manual

- Description of the adjustment points
Disconnect the input terminal of the module, connect the dummy load to the output terminal and connect
a tester as amperometer (10A cc capacity) on the power supply line (in place of the fuse).
Turn R7 and R15 completely clockwise (so to interdict the VDMOS). Disconnect the passing connector
from TP3 Gate. See details in picture below.
2. Polarisation of the BLF242 and BLF245 MOSFETs
- Instrument list
R15, R7
Adjust polarisation
Polarisation of
BLF242 and BLF245 Transistors
Two Digital meter
Power the module and check that there are +27V on TP4 (see previous picture).
Turn the R15 trimmer counterclockwise until the display of the amperometer shows 220mA absorption.
Turn the R7 trimmer counterclockwise until the display of the amperometer shows an increase of 220mA;
the whole module should absorb more or less 440mA at 27V.
Re-connect the passing connector to TP3 Gate.