User's Manual Part 2

working (i. e. there is at least one power supply working). The menu entry Working
Timer J View Timer allows to check the hours for which the timer has been enabled.
Working Timer J Timer Reset resets the timer.
This is a screen showing the alarm threshold of each signals monitored by the control
board. The list can be scrolled by means of the UP and DOWN keys.
The control board can monitor both the RMS and peak powers, the first used in digital
systems. The menu entry Settings J RMS/Peak allows to choose the power to be displayed
and monitored. This menu is present only in certain amplifiers.
This screen allows to set the current date and time. The setting is changed by pressing the
arrow keys, then pressing the RET key to move to the following value and eventually
save the changes. To go back to the previous menu and discard any change made, press
the ESC key.
The menu entry Settings J Display allows to change some settings of the display, such
has back light, contrast and screensaver. The back light and the contrast are set by means
of the UP and DOWN arrow keys. The changes made are saved by pressing the RET
key or discarded pressing the ESC key.
With Settings J Display J Screensaver you can set an interval time after which display
backlight is turned off. When display backlight is off, press any key to switch it on.
Frequency (only for some Amplifiers)
The forward and reflected RF powers is measured by means of a directional coupler. In
order to compensate for the effect due to the sampling made by the coupler, it is possible
to set the frequency by menu entry Settings J Frequency. The setting can be changed by
pressing the arrow keys. The changes made are saved by pressing the RET key or
discarded pressing the ESC key. Set the video carrier frequency.
Slave Address
The amplifier may be used either in stand-alone mode or as a slave of a master in a high
power multiple units transmitter. In the latter case an unique address for each amplifier
has to be specified, in order for all of them to communicate with the master on the same
RS485 bus. The menu entry Settings J Slave Address allows to choose the stand-