User's Manual Part 1

Note that no numerical value is shown for amplifiers which are not communicating with the control module.
alarm LED and the alarm icon blink until the Alarm List is checked to see the type of alarm occurred.
Besides, if an alarm for any of the powers of the signals in antenna occurs, the relevant measure in the
Antenna window of the display and the relevant LED on the front panel of the Master module blink until the
measure decreases below the threshold level, determined by the nominal power of the amplifier.
If the slave modules are working and an INTERLOCK or FANS alarm occurs, aside from the indication
explained above, the amplifiers are switched off. This happens immediately after an INTERLOCK alarm, or
about 7 seconds after a FANS alarm is detected.
In case the amplifiers are communicating but switched off, or they are not communicating and the INTERLOCK
alarm contact is open, a WARNING condition occurs: buzzer on and blinking ALARM LED on the front
panel; while if it is the FANS alarm contact to be open, the icon of the alarm appears in the box.
Further to any of these two alarms it is possible to choose whether to turn off the amplifiers or not. In fact,
there is a submenu of the Settings menu which allows to choose whether to turn off the amplifiers connected
to the control module as a consequence of an INTERLOCK and FAN alarm.
- Slave menu
By selecting one of the slaves, it is possible to see all the parameters of that amplifier module in two pages. The
first one shows voltages and currents Power Supply, the second one shows RF Powers: forward and reflected
power, temperature and, for some amplifiers, unbalancing and input power. The UP and DOWN keys allow
to scroll the local measures of all the slaves, page by page. The ESC key is used to go back to the main menu.
The following pictures show the menu screen of one amplifier.