
M1 Control RS-232 ASCII String Protocol Page 37 of 68 Rev. 1.79 July 16, 2009
4.23 System Log Data Update (LD)
As the control log is written, the same information is sent out the RS-232 port. The log
information will have the ddd index value set to “000” to indicate a logging entry.
The log data may also be requested with the “ld” (lower case “LD”) command below.
Modified in M1 version 4.3.2
1C – Length as ASCII hex
LD – Log Data Message Command
EEEE Event
NNN – Event Number Data, i.e. Zone number, user number, etc.
A – Area Number 1 – 8
HH Hour
MM Minute
mm Month
DD Day
ddd – Decimal index to which log data, 001 to 511, added in M1
version 4.3.2
D – Day of week, ‘1’ = Sunday, ‘7’ = Saturday
YY – Year as “05” = 2005
00 – future use
CC Checksum
Example: 1CLD1193102119450607001505003F AnyArmed event-1193, user 102,
Area 1, at 19:45 on June 07, Log index 001, Thursday, 2005
The “System Log Data Update” transmission option, transmits the updated status whenever
it changes and is enabled by setting the location TRUE in the M1 Control Global
Programming Locations 35. Example: “Xmit Event Log–ASCII” (Yes or No). The request for
log data “ld” is not controlled by this option.
4.23.1 Request System Log Data (ld)
Request to get system log data entry. The first entry is index “1”, the last entry is index
“511”. Log data index “0” is the next location to be written, index 511 is the oldest log data.
09 – Length as ASCII hex
ld – Request Log Data entry command (lower case ‘LD’)
ddd – Decimal index to which log data
00 – future use
CC Checksum
Example: 09ld00100D6 Request log data for index 1, the newest log data.
Replies with the “LD” log data command above.