Installation Sheet

1000002474 (Rev. D - 04/2016)
7. Purge the water lines.
1. Place receptacle beneath tap to catch dispensed water. Discard water as necessary.
2. Allow water to run connuously unl ow is clear of air.
3. Repeat for all taps.
NOTICE: The "No/low CO
" error LED will ash on the Fontemagna Compact when dispensing begins. This is
correct, as the CO
connecon has not been acvated yet. This alarm can be ignored during this step.
8. Open the CO
4. Using a screwdriver slowly turn valve screw counterclockwise
(le) to open valve.
5. Connue unl pressure reads 55 to 60 psi max.
9. Re-purge the line for sparkling water.
NOTICE: The water will ow at at rst, then gradually
become more sparkling as the line is purged of sll water.
NOTICE: If the "No/low CO
" error LED on the Fontemagna Compact ashes during this step, there is a
problem with the connecon to the CO
source. Check all components in the gas system before
10. Allow machine to complete inial chilldown.
NOTICE: Complete chilling of ice bank will require 1-3 hours. The machine should not be used as a water
dispenser unl chilling is complete.
Open both
Press and hold
dispensing buon
Blubar Countertop Fontemagna Compact