Installation Guide

Page 21 1000002120 (Rev. H - 02/18)
Depress button for 3 seconds to activate main menu - release
Cycles through main menu items 2 seconds each for 3 cycles then exits menu unless selected.
Cycles through sub menu items 2 seconds each for 3 cycles then returns to main menu unless selected.
Selections are saved and exits menu when idle for 10 seconds
Top Level Menu Action Sub Menu 1 Action Sub Menu/Action Action Sub Menu/Action Action Sub Menu/Action Notes End Action
Set Day/Time Momentary Drops to next level
menu when selected
Day (Sunday - Saturday) Momentary Flash days of week on display waiting for signal of
selection, 3 cycles through days and display goes back
to default.
Drops to next level
menu when selected
Hour (12 Hour) Momentary Scroll hours from 1-12, 3 cycles through hours and
display goes back to default.
Drops to next level
menu when selected
Minute (0-60 in 5min
Momentary Scroll minutes from 0-60 in 5 minute increments, 3 cy-
cles through minutes and display goes back to default.
Drops to next level
menu when selected
AM/PM Momentary Scroll AM and PM, 3 cycles through AM/PM and display
goes back to default.
Returns to main menu
Filter Unit? Momentary
No Momentary Turn off lter status and
No lter unit - LED board not used - Graphics Display
does not show status - Error codes related to lter
turned off.
Returns to main menu
Yes Momentary Turn on lter status and
Filter unit has default cong on - default cong has read/
write to lter, LED or Graphics stat display, lter error
Returns to main menu
Refrigeration Unit?
No Momentary Turn off all regrigeration
Refrigeration off Returns to main menu
Yes Momentary Set unit to operate as
refrigerated unit
Refrigeration on Returns to main menu
Flow Rate?
High Momentary Set Water Rate 1.5 Gal/Min Set water rate setting to 1.5gal/min. Returns to main menu
Low Momentary Set Water Rate 1.1 Gal/min Set water rate setting to 1.1gal/min. Returns to main menu
Water Temperature Momentary
Cold Momentary Set to “Cold” Temperature Approx 58° F Returns to main menu
Colder Momentary Set to Default Temperature Approx 54° F Returns to main menu
Coldest Momentary Set to dened “Coldest”
Approx 50° F Returns to main menu
Backlight Setting Momentary Set Backlight/Alcove
light in idle mode
Momentary Backlight settings are: 1=25%, 2=50%, 3=75% and
1 (= 25%) Momentary Returns to main menu
2 (=50%) Momentary Returns to main menu
3 (=75%) Momentary Returns to main menu
4 (=100%) Momentary Returns to main menu
Energy Save Mode Momentary
Off Momentary Default operation Unit runs with control board controlled refrigeration on
Returns to main menu
On Momentary Set Energy Save Schedule Unit refrigeration is shut off based on schedule. Drops to next level
menu when selected
Select Weekdays (default when
no time is selected = Always off)
Weekdays (Monday - Friday) schedule settings Drops to next level
menu when selected
Momentary Select Time on 24 Hours - 1-12AM and 1-12 PM Drops to next level
menu when selected
Momentary Select Time off 24 Hours - 1-12AM and 1-12 PM Drops to next level
menu when selected
Select Weekend Weekend (Saturday and Sunday) scheduled settings. Drops to next level
menu when selected
Momentary Select Time on 24 Hours - 1-12AM and 1-12 PM Drops to next level
menu when selected
Momentary Select Time off 24 Hours - 1-12AM and 1-12 PM Returns to main menu
View Error Codes Momentary Flashes Error Codes 2 seconds each / 3 cycles through codes Returns to main menu
Clear Error Codes Momentary Are you sure? Momentary Yes - Clear error modes Clears all error codes in control board memory. Exit Menu
Programming Instruction