Installation Guide
Special care must be taken in handling these panels, especially in cold weather. The indented grout
lines are of necessity a little thinner than other areas of the panels causing this type of panel to be more
fragile than our typical cast marble panels.
IMPORTANT: Panels are to be at room temperature (65 degrees or above) when being cut and
during installation. If panels have been stored outside in cold weather, bring them inside 24 hours
prior to installation so they can warm. If this is not possible, use extreme caution as cold weather
makes the panels brittle and may cause excessive breakage. This type of breakage is not covered by
Ella's Bubbles warranty.
IMPORTANT: The tub/pan should be installed before the substrate. This is so that the flanges on
the tub/pan will be behind the substrate. If the tub/pan is installed after the substrate, the flange
will be outside the edge of the substrate when the panels are installed, the bottoms of the panels will
be bowed outward. If the pan is already installed and the flanges are outside the substrate, an
additional piece of substrate should be installed so that the flange is underneath the
substrate, but should stop about 1” above the flange. The substrate around the entire enclosure
should not be resting on the flange of the tub/pan. (See drawing A).
Drawing A: