User's Manual

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LyoPro Version 3.3 Page 29 of 53
User Manual User Manual TrackSense LyoPro MAN 7 Proper Storage and Handling
WARNING: It is of utmost importance that batteries are stored separately in
bags or trays to avoid short circuiting. Leaving batteries in bundles where
they come in contact with each other is highly risky as it may cause a short
circuit and thereby a small-scale explosion or fire hazard.
Note: Please do note, this also includes used batteries. Be sure to dispose of
used batteries in a safe and clean manner.
7.1.2. Activating and Testing TrackSense
LyoPro Battery
LyoPro data loggers do not use enough power to
activate the battery by itself. Therefore, the activator unit must be
New batteries must be activated initially for exactly 1 hour. See the
image below. The same procedure applies if the battery has not
been installed/used in a data logger for more than 1 week. A new
battery has a voltage of approximately 3.6V. Over time, the voltage
will drop a little, and towards the end of its lifespan it will increase
to around 3.7V before it rapidly drops to zero
When testing the battery with a voltmeter, it is important to do this
while the battery is inserted in the activator/starter. A new battery
will show 3.2-3.3V the first time it is inserted into the activator, and
during the first 30 minutes in the voltmeter, the voltage will begin
to increase to approximately 3.3-3.4V. This means that the battery
it ok and ready to be used after 1 hour in the activator
A weak battery will typically show less than 3.1V when inserted
into the activator, at the end of its lifespan, it can also show 3.5-
3.7V. In both cases, the initial voltage will begin to drop after a few
minutes in the activator.