User's Manual

- Decide if to use the peak current limit or the continuous current limit.
- Match digital hall readout to encoder data, to detect loss of commutation
- Detect "Motor stuck" condition
17.1.3 The Idle Loop
The term "Idle loop" describes the repetitive task performed filling the entire time when the
processor is free from interrupt handling.
Idle loop processing starts immediately after the initialization sequence is complete.
The Idle loop does:
- Run user programs
o Run one line of user program for one virtual machine
o Respond to events –interrupt routines, break points and single step debug mode.
- Interpret terminal commands
- Interpret CAN low priority messages:
o CAN interpreter commands
o Node guarding
- Calculate status and cleanup after motion fault exceptions.
- Route to the RS232 transmitter either data from the recorder or the output of the
The sampling time parameter TS controls how much CPU power is reserved for idle-loop
processing. Lower TS will deliver ultimate motion control performance, but will consume
more CPU time for motion control algorithms. The CPU power remaining for idle loop
processing decreases.
The following block diagram describes the idle loop.