User guide

Magnetic Stripe Reader
No drivers are needed.
Testing the Serial Version:
1 Insure the MSR serial is connected. (Make a note of the serial port, COM1, COM2, etc.
it is connected to.)
2 Launch HyperTerminal
3 Go to file>new connection and type “MSR” then select OK.
4 In the Connect to Menu select Com port used in step one, then select OK.
5 In the Connection Property box set the following values:
Bits per second to 9600
Data Bits to 8
Parity to None
Stop bits to 1
Flow control to Hardware
The device will immediately display the serial number. Slide any credit card
through the MSR to view the data.
Testing the USB MSR Keyboard Emulation
1 Plug in the device.
2 Open MS Word.
3 Slide the card through the MSR to view the data.
Testing the USB-HID Class MSR
1 On the CD, browse to Touch Monitor Peripherals\Magnetic Stripe Card
2 Open the Readme.txt and follow instructions to test the unit.