Instruction Manual

Instruction manual I ELOshield
Rev. 20 09.03.2020 Page 7 of 85
1.2 Electromagnetic wave radiation
As specified in the international standard ISO 14117:2012, the ELOshield electronic radio warning
system operates in the frequency band of over 3 GHz and does not constitute a hazard to human
life in accordance with their intended use.
ELOshield is intended to protect pedestrians (a pedestrian module), vehicles (a vehicle module) and
zones (a stationary module). The system may also be used to create industrial automatic control
systems reacting to an approaching/receding object.
1.3 Operation of ELOshield
Each person to whom a vehicle constitutes a potential threat must be equipped with the pedestrian
module. Each vehicle which is meant to detect pedestrians/vehicles/stationary zones must be
equipped with a vehicle module with antenna modules (A) (1-4) creating two protective zones
around the vehicle. Locations that are especially hazardous or require additional interactions with
vehicles/pedestrians must be secured using a stationary module with antenna modules (B) (1–4)
and stationary modules (1–4). Examples of such locations include crossings with heavy traffic or
entrance gates.
Each person/vehicle within the protective zone (span of the zone: up to 12 m for vehicles, 12 m for
pedestrians) is detected by the system. Entering the zone triggers pre-configured actions of the
vehicle or stationary infrastructures.
Example actions of the vehicle include: acoustical alarm, optical alarm, speed reduction and even
breaking down the vehicle.
By proper configuration of the stationary module, vehicles and/or persons within the range of the
stationary zone may trigger the following actions: opening of the entrance gate, change the state of
traffic lights, vehicle speed reduction within the range of the stationary zone, stopping a vehicle
entering an area where the pedestrian is present, etc.
The actions performed by the pedestrian module in an emergency situation include: a visual signal,
acoustic alarm, vibration.
The alarm/warning may be muted by pressing the Q button.