User's Manual

E2 Wireless I/O Page 37
4.4 WIBMesh Configuration
The “TX Attempts for Acknowledged messages” is now many times the configured
module will attempt to communicate a message to another module (message reties).
After failing to communicate the module will be flagged as being in comms fail.
Every time it tries to communicate to the remote module, it will reduce the number of
attempts down to one as it has been flagged as being in Comms fail.
If communications is restored the module will go back to transmitting the number of
time configured in “Tx Attempts for Acknowledged messages”.
The “TX count for unacknowledged messages” is the number of times it transmit the
same data message. It is used if the E2 has been setup as a transmit only module
(similar to the older Elpro 905U-K or 505U-K modules)
Being a Transmit only module there is no communication handshake between modules
so transmitting the same message a number of times gives a greater reliability in