User's Manual

E2 Wireless I/O Page 45
Deadband - If the Analog Input is less than the Lower Set point, the set-point status will
be active (on, “1”) and remain active until the Analog Input is greater than the Upper Set
Point, the set-point status will be reset (off, “0”). Note that the Upper Set Point must
always be higher than the Lower Set Point.
Windowed –The Upper and Lower sets are used to setup a “window” within the analog
range. If the analog value is inside of this window, the setpoint will be active (on, “1”),
and if the analog value is outside of this window, the setpoint will be reset (off, “0”)
Inverted - If the Upper and Lower setpoint values are entered as negative numbers the
inverse of the “Deadband” and “Windowed” will occur, i.e. The function is exactly the
same however the setpoint logic will be inverted. (If setpoint was on, inverted will be off)
Analog Outputs
Name – Can re-name the outputs or use the default, up to 30 characters including
Zero / Span – These variables will change the Scale of the Analog Outputs.
Failsafe Time (sec) – The Fail Safe Time is the time the output needs to count down
before activating the failsafe state. Receiving an update or a COS message will reset
the Fail Safe Timer back to its starting value. If the Fail Safe Timer gets down to zero
then the output will be set to the Fail Safe state (mA)
It is recommend this Fail Safe Time be configured for a little more than twice the update
time of the input that is mapped to it, that way the output will reset if it fails to receive
two update messages.
Failsafe Time (sec) – The value that you wish the output the reset to.