User's Manual

Chapter Two Installation
man_905_2.1.doc Page 19
ensure that the RS485 is disconnected before attempting to use the RS232 port. Communication is
via standard RS-232 signals. The is configured as DCE equipment with the pin-out detailed below.
The serial port communicates at a baud rate of 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, one stop bit.
Pin Name Dirn Function
1 DCD Out Data carrier detect - not used
2 RD Out Transmit Data - Serial Data Input (High = 0, Low = 1)
3 TD In Receive Data - Serial Data Output (High = 0, Low = 1)
4 DTR In Data Terminal Ready - not used
5 SG - Signal Ground
6 DSR Out Data Set Ready - not used
7 RTS In Request to Send - not used
8 CTS Out Clear to send - not used
9 RI - Ring indicator - not used.
An example cable drawing for connection to a laptop is detailed below:
2.4.11 RS485 Serial Port
The RS485 port provides for communication between multiple units using a multi-drop cable. Up to
32 units may be connected in each multi-drop network. Each multi-drop network may have one unit
providing radio communications with other units in the system. The RS485 feature allows local hubs
of control to operate without occupying radio bandwidth required for communication between
remotely sited units.
The RS485 Communications format is 9600 baud, 8 data bits, one stop bit, no parity. Note that the
RS485 port is shared internally with the RS232 port - disconnect the RS232 cable after