User's Manual

Chapter Six Troubleshooting
man_905_2.1.doc Page 45
6.1 Diagnostics Chart
OK LED OFF Continuously Battery Voltage low
CPU failure
+24V supply failure/overload
OK LED ON Continuously Normal Operation
PWR LED ON Continuously Supply available from SUP1/SUP2
Supply available from solar panel
TX LED ON Flashes briefly Radio transmitting
RX LED ON Flashes briefly Radio Receiving
Serial port communicating
RX LED ON Flashes continuously Module in Configuration Mode
RX LED ON Continuously Test Button press in Configuration
No transmission on change of
Unit not configured correctly - re-
configure and check operation
The green OK LED on the front panel indicates correct operation of the unit. This LED extinguishes
on failure as described above. When the OK LED extinguishes shutdown state is indicated. In this
state, all digital outputs turn OFF and the +24V supply turns off.
On processor failure, or on failure during start-up diagnostics, the unit shuts down, and remains in
shutdown until the fault is rectified. The unit also shuts down if the battery voltage falls below 10.8
volts. This is a protection feature designed to protect the battery from deep discharge in case of
extended period without supply voltage.
6.2 Self Test Functions
6.2.1 Input to Output Reflection (105-1 only)
The unit will require re-configuration after SELF TEST. Ensure you know the required
operational configuration including system and unit addresses so that the network can be
restored after testing.
Remove the cover in the front panel, and set the DIP switches as shown below. Hold down the red
button for five seconds, or until the Rx LED glows yellow, release the Red button (the Rx LED now
flashes), then press and release the Red button (the flashing Rx LED extinguishes).