User Manual

Page 12 EnergyAxis Gas Module User Guide
Elster Integrated Solutions • Draft A Nov. 2007
Preparation and Installation
1. Prior to removing the existing index and index cover, verify that
the transponder style is compatible with the meter style.
2. Verify the transponder battery is properly seated, and that the
battery wires are tucked neatly beside it, out of the way of the
wriggler and other transponder components.
NOTE: When transporting transponders to the field for installation
please take care not to jar the housing and dislodge the battery from
the bracket.
Installing Index onto Transponder
1. Remove the existing index cover and index (or transponder)
from the meter (An awl can be used to remove the existing
vandal plugs)
Clean any debris from index and cover.
Battery & wires
Type R415
Type R
Type S
Type A
Type A Type R415 Type S
Type R
Type A
Type S
Type R
Type R415