User's Manual

Table Of Contents
EA Mobile User Guide
4. Controls and indicators
Verify the power cable is connected.
Check for vehicle accessories (radio, tape player, CD, etc.) that can be turned
off to minimize the power drain.
If the LINE light continues to blink, verify the accessory/cigarette lighter fuse is
If the fuse for the accessory/cigarette lighter has blown, shut down the
EA_Mobile and replace the fuse.
If the LINE light continues to blink, the vehicle’s alternator may be unable to
produce adequate operating current and should be serviced.
[Red] Indicates the +12 Volt power supply to the amplifier is on. It should be ON
whenever the EA_Mobile is powered.
If it is not ON, check the fuse and replace if necessary. See “Checking a
fuse” on page 41 for details.
If the fuse is OK, contact Elster’s Service Department.
[Green] Indicates the EA_Mobile transmitter is actively transmitting. The LED
should be ON during interrogation or once turned on using the Tools window.
If this light is not ON during interrogation or when transmitter is turned on
from the Tools window, contact Elsters Service Department.
EnergyAxis panel indicator
The EnergyAxis panel is located on the right side of the EA_Mobile front panel
(Figure 4-2). The sole indicator is ACTIVITY. This light indicates if serial
communications are occurring. This light generally appears as a blinking red or
orange. This indicates activity is occurring over the serial communications port.
Figure 4-2. EnergyAxis panel