User's Manual

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EA Mobile User Guide
7. Command mode
Set Perm button
The Set Perm button displays the Permanent Settings window (Figure 7-11) that
allows you to view permanent settings in the EA_Mobile’s non-volatile (saved
even when powered off) memory. These settings are not loaded from the USB
flash drive and, typically, never need to be changed.
Note: Only authorized personnel can change permanent settings by
entering the factory unlock password.
Do not use the Clear button unless you wish to reset all
parameters to default value!
Changing permanent settings
If you are authorized to change the settings in this option, use the following
1. Obtain the factory unlock password from Elster Customer Support.
Customer Support will need the EA_Mobile’s serial number and the encrypt
key found on the Permanent Settings window of the EA_Mobile.
2. From the Main Menu, press the Settings button.
3. From the Settings window press the Set Perm. button.
The Permanent Settings window displays the current settings.
Window Size x 100 feet This option allows you to set the interrogation window
size for the Lat/Lon or GEO mode:
Press the + or - buttons following this option to
increase/decrease the window size.
The interrogation window is approximately an oval.
The size display is the radius in the forward direction
multiplied by 100 and by 50 to the side of the vehicle.
For example, if the window size is 12, meters up to
1200 feet in front or behind and up to 600 feet to either
side the vehicle will be read.
Valid ranges are between 1 and 18.
Note: Elster recommends a distance of 1200 feet.
Sort Unread Display This option tells the EA_Mobile to sort unread endpoints
by distance from the EA_Mobile. With this turned on,
unread endpoints closest to the EA_Mobile will be listed
first and the farthest will be listed last.
Press the Yes or No button after this option to set to
desired value.
Monitor Unread Display This allows you to set the EA_Mobile to alert you with an
audible alarm if an endpoint comes in and then exits the
interrogation window without being read.
Note: Applies only when in Lat/Lon or GEO mode.
Press the Yes or No button after this option to set to
desired value.
Item Description