Technical data

This measurement diagram shows a fade from the original to the compressed signal (direct and
compressed buttons active). The gain controller was set at 8 dB, which is also the reason for de-
creasing levels in the more clockwise areas of the controller range. In case that only the direct or
alternatively only the compressed signal is switched in, the mix controller does not have any inu-
ence on the level.
Soft Clip
These characteristic curves show the smooth processing of the Soft Clip limiter. Even though this
gure employs huge amounts of level reduction to demonstrate the eect clearly, the limiter val-
ues should not exceed 6 dB as a general rule. After all, this function aims at rounding the peaks of
a signal and not at reducing the complete level. Too heavy use of the Soft Clip limiter can cause
audible distortion.
REFERENCE Mix & Soft Clip