User guide

SC Low Pass
This diagram shows some settings of the sidechain frequency controller (SC Freq) in low pass
mode (LP). If the lter is set at 100 Hz for example, full gain reduction will still occur at these 100
Hz and the high frequencies will have lesser inuence the higher they get. Therefore in this mode
of operation the lter should always be set to the highest frequency you just about want the com-
pressor to react to.
SC High Pass
Here the controller was turned completely the other way round. In high pass position (HP) the ap-
proach of the sidechain lter is slightly dierent. At 100 Hz the compressor now hardly reacts to
just this frequency and only the higher frequencies will have an increasing inuence on the gain
reduction. In practice the controller should therefore be set to the lowest frequency you just about
want the compressor not to react to.
REFERENCE SC Low Pass & SC High Pass