Comparison chart Xpressor 500 vs

mpressor 500
The mpressor 500 is a pure feed forward design and as such it delivers tight compression with lots of punch
and an edgier sound. It is the perfect compressor for getting the dynamics of all kinds of instruments and
voices straight.
Like Tom Rowlands (Chemical Brothers) said: “The mpressor is
killer on drums!“ The same is true for all kinds of bass, guitar,
synth and vocal signals. And even though the mpressor has
the heart of a racing car, it also plays the mellow tones well if
Advanced features like negative ratios, antilog release and the
unique gain reduction limiter create compression eects far
beyond the limits of regular compressors here is the ticket
for a journey into the deep rabbit hole of creative compression.
If you are looking for a compressor to be used for stereo instruments, busses, full mixes and in mastering,
the xpressor is the perfect tool. It beautifully controls even complex dynamics without altering the original
sound quality, and if you would like to use it on single instruments from time to time, it is perfectly capable
of delivering truly professional results.
If massive punch and solid compression without any degradation of signal quality is the ultimate goal, the
mpressor 500 will get you there. It also provides a perfect playground for those who are looking to use
compression in creative ways. Unlinked stereo and M/S applications of two modules also work ne, as all
of its potentiometers are stepped.
To hear and see these two amazing compressors in action, please visit elysias YouTube channel: