
REFERENCE Ratio & EQ Frequency
The mpressor is a typical hard knee compressor, which can be seen in this diagram very obviously.
Compression directly starts with the full adjusted ratio in the very moment the input signal passes
the threshold point. Compared to a soft knee characteristic, this kind of compression is more on
the noticeable and audible side. The gure also shows the negative ratios: The characteristic curve
bends and returns back down. The louder the input signal becomes with a setting like that, the
lower the output signal becomes – perfect for spacy compression eects.
EQ Frequency
This diagram shows a variation of center frequencies with the EQ gain controller in the clockwise
+4 dB position. The x10 button shifts the complete frequency range by a factor of 10. Settings
in the border areas of the covered frequencies make it also possible to create ‘almost’ shelving
lters, but then the overall level likely needs to be adapted with the gain controller. This lter is
as eective as it is easy to use the perfect tool for applying subtle or strong sonic marks to the
compressed signal in no time at all.