Comparison chart vs mpressor 500

Feature xpressor 500 mpressor 500
2 1
Stereo Link
21/21 dBu 21/22 dBu
125 mA 75 mA
1 Slot
Discrete Class-A Topology
No integrated circuits and no crossover distortion for a superior sound
Auto Fast
The perfect attack setting for every situation – automated!
Negative Ratios
Cool compression eects incl. heavy pumping, backward sounds, etc.
Gain Reduction Limiter
Unique control over the compression process (max. amount of gain reduction)
Stepped Controllers
Fast and precise recall with 41 steps on all potentiometers
Analog Dynamic LED Meter
Finally, a fast LED meter with smooth value transitions
Parallel Compression
Mix controller for onboard parallel signal processing (wet/dry)
Sidechain Filter
Easy control over the amount of low frequency compression (avoid pumping)
Warm Mode
Switchable sound avor (less direct, more glued)
Lin Release
Linear release curve as a standard for eective universal compression
Log Release
Logarithmic release curve for unobtrusive compression results (master buss)
Anti Log Release
Antilogarithmic release curve moving dynamics (eect compression)
THD Boost
On-the-y signal coloration and saturation for a grittier avor
Headroom (input/output)
Power consumption
500 Series Form Factor 2 Slots
VPR Alliance Approved