User manual

LPC3250 Developer’s Kit v2 - User’s Guide
Page 20
Copyright 2013 © Embedded Artists AB
4.7 SP6: Ethernet Interface
The board has an Ethernet interface, J11, which is a RJ45 connector with integrated magnetics. There
is also provision on the board for connecting a PoE interface. All signals can be accessed via
expansion pads, J12. Five 0 ohm resistors have to be removed in that case for isolating J11 from the
new connector (this is because J11 is not capable of handling a PoE interface so a new RJ45
connector must added). See picture below for where to find the relevant components on the board.
Figure 6 Debug Interfaces
PoE modules that can be used for testing can for example be found at Select a version delivering +5V with enough current
capability for the specific application in mind. For example, using USB Host with power hungry external
devices will require more current. In most situations a 9-10W module will be sufficient.
Besides the PoE module, a RJ45 capable of handling PoE is also needed.
PoE Connector
J12, pin 1 leftmost
Isolation Resistors
RJ45 with Magnetics