User manual

LPC3250 Developer’s Kit v2 - User’s Guide
Page 59
Copyright 2013 © Embedded Artists AB
information about appropriate management of invalid blocks can be found in technical notes and
datasheet from Samsung.
5.6.3 Brand of Memory Chips
Note that there is no guarantee for a certain brand or version of memory chips; SPI-NOR flash, parallel
NAND flash and mobile DDR SDRAM. The lifetime of memory chips is limited and availability can also
be limited from time to time. Embedded Artists make every effort to mount the original design chip on
the board. In case that is impossible a compatible chip will instead be mounted without any prior
notice. There can be small programming differences between mounted brands. The application
program shall always read the chip id of flash devices to make certain which chip is actually mounted
on the board.
The support page contains datasheets to the different memory devices and information about mounted
devices on different board versions.
5.6.4 LPC3250 Peripherals
The key scan interface peripheral cannot be used with the LPC3250 OEM Board because the Ethernet
interface is active.
5.6.5 Current Consumption and Limits of USB Ports
The current consumption of LPC3250 OEM Board, OEM Base Board, and the 4.3 inch LCD Board is in
the region of 90-150mA. This is below what a normal USB-A port can supply. However, if the boards
are powered from a USB-A port (for example a PC or laptop) and there are problems, like spontaneous
resets or other strange things, it is likely that an external power supply is needed. Powering via a USB
hub is also a possibility.
When using the 7 inch LCD Board an external power supply is always needed. A normal USB-A
port cannot supply the needed current when the 7 inch LCD is used.
5.6.6 LCD flickering
When using the LCD expansion interface, R163 must be removed on the OEM Base Board. If not, the
LCD can start flickering and the blue component of the pixel color can disappear for short time periods
(= the flickering). If the picture is mainly blue it will look like a black row on the display. If other colors
are dominating on the picture shown, it can also look like yellow lines (white minus block color
component result in a yellow color).
The reason for this problem is that the I2C interface of the MIC2555 USB OTG transceiver is
connected to the two MSB signals of the blue color component. Even though the pixel data is very
much out of spec for the I2C interface, the MIC2555 reacts on some sequences and start driving the
MSB signal low, which is the flickering that is seen. The solution is to remove resistor R163.
The LCD interface and the USB OTG transceiver cannot be used at the same time on the OEM Base