User manual

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mkdir $HOME/tools
cp /media/cdrom/linux/tools/mkimage $HOME/tools
cp /media/cdrom/linux/tools/signGP $HOME/tools
cp /media/cdrom/linux/tools/mkfs.ubifs $HOME/tools
cp /media/cdrom/linux/tools/ubinize $HOME/tools
cp /media/cdrom/linux/tools/ubinize.cfg $HOME/tools
3. Adding Environment Variables;
Execute the following instructions to add installed tools into the
environment variables;
export PATH=$HOME/arm-eabi-4.4.0/bin:$HOME
The instructions used to add environment variables can be put into the file
.bashrc under user directory to allow the system to load the variable
automatically each time it boots up.
If you need to view the path, please use the instruction echo $PATH.
3.3.2 System Compilation
1. Uncompress Source Code;
Execute the following instructions to uncompress the source code from
/linux/source of DVD-ROM to the Ubuntu system;
mkdir $HOME/work
cd $HOME/work
tar xvf /media/cdrom/linux/source/x-loader-
tar xvf /media/cdrom/linux/source/u-boot-
tar xvf /media/cdrom/linux/source/linux-2.6.32-sbc8140.tar.bz2
sudo tar xvf /media/cdrom/linux/source/rootfs.tar.bz2
tar xvf