
Turning The System On’
Connect the unit into the 120V 60Hz AC outlet.
At the front of the unit, the light within the POWER/STANDBY button will light
Redto indicate that the unit is in standby (Standby means plugged-in but not
switched on).
Switch the unit Onby pressing the POWER/STANDBY button on the front
panel or the remote control. The Redlight goes Off’.
The unit is now ready to use.
Make sure that the speakers are properly connected.
Make sure that the FM Wire Antenna is fully extended.
Make sure that you have installed batteries in the remote
Make sure that the AC power cord is connected to an outlet
that is always “live”. Do not connect to an outlet that is
controlled by a wall switch.
ES30_072905.p65 29/7/2005, 16:4113