Installation manual

Operational Overview
User Interface
The Epsilon EP-B Base Drive is set up using PowerTools Pro software. PowerTools Pro is an easy-to-use Windows-
based setup and diagnostics tool. It provides you with the ability to create, edit and maintain your drive’s setup. You can
download or upload your setup data to or from a device. You can also save it to a file on your PC or print it for review or
permanent storage.
Figure 10: PowerTools Pro Setup View For An Epsilon EP-B Drive
How Motion Works
Below is a list of details related to motion in a drive.
The Stop input function overrides motion in all operating modes including Pulse and Torque mode. It shifts the mode
to Velocity mode and decelerates the axis according to the Stop deceleration ramp.
The Travel Limits work in all operating modes including; Pulse, Velocity and Torque modes.
When a Travel Limit has been activated in a particular direction, uninhibited motion is allowed in the opposite direction.
The Positive Direction parameter affects all motion by specifying which direction the motor shaft will rotate (CW or
CCW) when the command position is increasing.
When changing modes with Torque Mode Enable input function, no ramping occurs between the two different
When using Analog + Preset Summation mode, the properties of both summed modes are honored.
Functional Overview
The drive is a digital servo drive which provides four modes of operation: Pulse, Velocity, Torque and Analog Position.
The Operating Mode selection defines the basic operation of the drive.
External control capability is provided through the use of input and output functions. These functions may be assigned
to any input or output line which may be controlled by external devices, such as a PLC or multi-axis controller, to affect
the drive operation.
Drive parameters can be modified using PowerTools Pro software. All drive parameters have a pre-assigned Modbus
address which allows you to access them using a Modbus interface.
Velocity Mode
Three sub-modes are associated with Velocity mode: Analog Velocity, Preset Velocity and Analog + Preset Summation.
Epsilon EP-B Base Drive Reference Manual