Installation manual

Epsilon EP-B Base Drive Reference Manual
Set Analog Out Ch2 Voltage
On teach, load the Channel 2 Analog Output’s “Analog Min Voltage” with current “A/D value”
Set Position Limit
On teach, load the “Motion Limit Min” with current “Position Command”.
Teach Max Group
On the second pulse of the teach function these functions are executed.
Define Home
Set “Position Command” equal to “Define Home Position”
Note: Set “Define Home Position” within the throw of the linear arm.
Note: Adjust analog input so “Analog Position Cmd” is equal to the homed “Position Command” before “Enable analog
position” to minimize motor movement.
Note: We do not expect this check box to be selected, as most cases you want to set home on the Min teach.
Set Analog In Position
On teach, load the Analog Input’s “Analog Max Value” with current “Position Command”
Set Analog In Voltage
On teach, load the Analog Input’s “Analog Max Voltage” with current “A/D value”
Set Analog Out Ch1 Position
On teach, load the Channel 1 Analog Output’s “Analog Max Value” with current “Position Command”
Set Analog Out Ch1 Voltage
On teach, load the Channel 1 Analog Output’s “Analog Max Voltage” with current “A/D value”
Set Analog Out Ch2 Position
On teach, load the Channel 2 Analog Output’s “Analog Max Value” with current “Position Command”
Set Analog Out Ch2 Position
On teach, load the Channel 2 Analog Output’s “Analog Max Voltage” with current “A/D value”
Set Position Limit
On teach, load the “Motion Limit Max” with current “Position Command”.