Installation manual

Operational Overview
f. Select the “Set Position Limit” check box so the maximum point will also restrict the Analog Position
Command so it does not go above this point
Step 5:
1. In the Analog Inputs view, for this example we will not do much setup on this view. The teach function will load
all the “Analog Input – Position” values and we will not be using the “Analog Input Velocity, Torque”. For
Bandwidth the default will do for now
2. Select the “Position Limit Enable” check box to enable motion Limits
3. Use the “Read taught values from the drive” button after executing teach. This will give you an indication as
to what teach defined
Step 6:
1. Open the Analog Output view. In this example we are using Channel 1 to reflect the Analog Input through the
Position. There are two ways to define analog output scaling – Scale/Offset or Min/Max. Since we are teaching
the Analog Output channel 1 for Position, channel 1 must be in Min/Max mode. We do not have to enter values
as teach mode is setup to do that for us
2. For channel 1 select the “Analog Output Min/Max Mode” check box
3. For channel 1 select the source to Position Feedback
4. Warning the teach mode will overwrite the Analog Min/Max points if the teach bits are set regardless of the
source selection
5. Use the “Read taught values from the Drive” button after executing teach. This will give you an indication as
to what teach defined
Step 7:
1. Go the to the Analog Input view to monitor teach operations
2. Use Input lines 1 and 2 to jog to the minimum position. Adjust the analog input to match the minimum position.
Toggle Line 3 to teach the minimum point
3. Use Lines 1 and 2 to jog to the maximum position. Adjust the analog input to match the maximum position.
Toggle Line 3 to teach the maximum point
4. Use Lines 1 and 2 to jog to the maximum position or the adjust the analog input to match to the Analog Position
Command to the actual position
5. Use Line 4 to enable Analog position
Drive Modifiers
This section describes functions that can modify the operation of the drive.
The Stop input function, when activated, will cause motion to stop regardless of motor direction or the operating mode.
The Stop Deceleration Ramp defines the rate of velocity change to zero speed.
Activating the Stop input function causes the drive to change to Velocity mode. Therefore, if you are operating in Torque
mode, the drive must be tuned to the load to prevent instability when activating the Stop input function.
For example, if an application is operating in Torque mode at 1000 RPM, and the Stop input function is activated with a
Stop Deceleration Ramp of 500 ms/kRPM, the motor will decelerate to a stop in 500 ms.
When the Stop input function is deactivated, the previous operating mode is restored within 400 µs and the drive and
motor will respond immediately with no ramping unless ramping is part of the selected mode.