Installation manual

Setting Up Parameters
Graph View
The Graph view is only available when online with the drive. The Graphing function in the drive makes use of an internal
high speed data capture. After this capture is “Arm”ed, the capture will begin to fill a rolling buffer with the data as
specified by Channel 1 - Channel 4. Once triggered, the data capture will fill the rest of the allocated memory. After the
buffers are completely filled and the trigger activated, the “Upload and Plot” button may be used to upload data which
will be displayed in a graphical format, see figure 29.
The User may trigger by entering a trigger level for one of the four channels or using the manual trigger button.
Figure 28: Graph View
Data Capture Group
Graph State
There are three graph state conditions in the following order: Filling Buffer, Filled. Waiting for Trigger, and Filled and
The Run button commands the drive to begin a high speed data capture of the parameters as selected in each of the
four data channels. After the Run command button is activated the buffer will fill up to the trigger offset while the words
“Filling Buffer” appear indicating this Graph State. Once the trigger offset level is reached the words “Waiting Trigger”
will appear next to the Graph State indicating that graphical monitor is now ready to be triggered based on the trigger
level selected. The Run command button may be activated by the letter “R” on the keyboard.
Upload and Plot
The Upload and Plot button will upload captured data from the drive and display this data in the Graph window. The user
should wait for the Graph State to read “Filled and Triggered” before the data is uploaded.
The Stop button stops the data capture with the data captured at that point. You can upload and plot that data. If the
buffer is only partially filled you will get a combination of good and bad data. Stop works well as a manual trigger, in place
of the configured trigger.
Automatically Re-trigger and Plot Check Box
Select the check box and the Automatically Re-trigger and Plot tells PowerTools to monitor the graph state for the
triggered condition. When this condition occurs, it automatically initiates the UploadPlot command, waits for a brief time
then initiates the Run button to repeat the cycle. Initial the user must press the Run button to start the auto cycle.
This mechanism is only active when the Graph view is displayed, If the user enters a different PowerTools Pro view the
auto update will stop and it will restart when returning to the Graph view.
The Print button is used to print the graph in the Graph window.
Epsilon EP-B Base Drive Reference Manual