Installation manual

Epsilon EP-B Base Drive Reference Manual
Parameters Not Matching List
This list is part of the User Defined Motor Name Conflict dialog box and displays the parameter value(s) from the Motor
Parameters column that do not match the equivalent parameter value in either the motor.ddf or stdmotor.ddf files, for
the motor with the matching name.
This helps the user to determine whether they wish to overwrite, cancel, or create a new motor with this Save .ddf Values
Position View
The Position View allows you to set up and view the parameters related to drive positioning. In, Position has been
selected in the Hierarchy Tree. The right side of the view is divided into groups. An explanation of the groups and their
functions is provided below.
Figure 41: Position View
Following Error Group
Following Error Limit Enable Check Box
Select this check box to enable (or clear this check box to disable) the Following Error Limit. If enabled, a fault will be
generated if the absolute value of the following error ever exceeds the value in the following error parameter. If disabled,
a Following Error fault will never be generated.
Following Error Limit
Following Error is the difference between the Position Command and the Position Feedback. It is positive when the
Position Command is greater than the Position Feedback. If the absolute value of the following error exceeds the value
entered here, the drive will generate a Following Error Fault (F). All accumulated Following Error will be cleared when
the drive is disabled.
Online Tab
While online with the device, the lower half of the view is the Online tab and the following real-time data will be displayed.
Motor Position Group
Position Command
This is the commanded position in user units generated by the device. This is set to zero when the Absolute Position
Valid output function is activated. The Position Command is specified in user units.
Position Feedback
This is the feedback position of the motor. It is set to zero when the Absolute Position Valid output function is activated.
Position Feedback is specified in user units.
Following Error
The Following Error is the difference (in user units) between the Position Command and the Position Feedback. It is
positive when the Position Command is greater than the Position Feedback.