Installation manual

Epsilon EP-B Base Drive Reference Manual
Analog Inputs View
The drive has one analog input channel that accepts a +10 V to -10 V signal. The drive has a 12-bit over sampled to 14-
bit analog to digital converter (A/D), which is used to transform the analog voltage to a usable parameter. The analog
input is scanned by the drive every 100 microseconds and the module at the trajectory update rate.
Figure 51: Analog Inputs View
Analog Input Group
This parameter sets the low-pass filter cutoff frequency applied to the analog input. Signals exceeding this frequency
will be filtered at a rate of 20 db per decade.
Analog Input - Velocity, Torque Group
Analog Full Scale
This voltage sets the maximum value that the analog input will reach in normal operation. Valid range for this parameter
is +10 volts to -10 volts.
Analog Zero Offset
This parameter is used to null any voltage present at the drive when a zero analog velocity command is provided. The
amount of offset can be measured by the Analog Input parameter when a zero analog velocity command is supplied.
Default = 0 Volts
Analog Input - Position Group
This group of parameters are filled after a teach function has been run and the Read taught values for Drive button has
been clicked on.
Analog Max Position
This parameter sets the upper value in the point set in revs.
Analog Max Voltage
This parameter sets the upper value in the point set in volts.
Analog Min Position
This parameter sets the lower value in the point set in revs.