Installation manual

Epsilon EP-B Base Drive Reference Manual
Another type of EEPROM.
Flash File
This file loads the firmware into the drive. Flash files can field upgrade the firmware.
For a system with an analog input, the output tends to maintain its current value until the input level changes past the
point that set the current output value. The difference in response of a system to an increasing input signal versus a
decreasing input signal.
Input/Output. The reception and transmission of information between control devices. In modern control systems, I/O
has two distinct forms: switches, relays, etc., which are in either an on or off state, or analog signals that are continuous
in nature generally depicting values for speed, temperature, flow, etc.
The property of an object to resist changes in rotary velocity unless acted upon by an outside force. Higher inertia objects
require larger torque to accelerate and decelerate. Inertia is dependent upon the mass and shape of the object.
Input Function
A function (i.e., Stop, Preset) that may be attached to an input line.
Input Line
The terminals of a device or circuit to which energy is applied.
Least Significant Bit
The bit in a binary number that is the least important or having the least weight.
Light Emitting Diode.
List Box
In a dialog box, a list box is an area in which the user can choose among a list of items, such as files, directories, printers
or the like.
Milliamp, which is 1/1000th of an Ampere.
Communication Protocol by Gould, Inc. for industrial communications systems comprised of programmable controller
interface units, protocol software and modems. The MDS drive module follows the Modbus specification outlined in the
Modicon Modbus Protocol Reference Manual, PI-MBNS-300 Revision G, November 1994.
Most Significant Bit
The bit in a binary number that is the most important or that has the most weight.
Non-Volatile Memory. NVM stores specifically defined variables as the variables dynamically change. It is used to store
changes through a power loss.
Option Button
Also known as the Radio Button. Round button used to select one of a group of mutually exclusive options.
A method of sending a signal from one piece of equipment to another without the usual requirement of common ground
potentials. The signal is transmitted optically with a light source (usually a Light Emitting Diode) and a light sensor
(usually a photosensitive transistor). These optical components provide electrical isolation.