Installation manual

FM-3 Programming Module Reference Manual
Inertia Ratio InertiaRatio
This specifies the load to motor inertia ratio. For example, a value of 25.0 specifies that the
load inertia is 25 times the inertia of the motor.
Initially Active InitiallyActive
This source, when assigned to a destination, will activate the destination on power-up or upon
FM-3 reset. InitiallyActive can be assigned to any destination that does not create motion (i.e.
indexes, jogs, homes, programs).
In Position InPosn
This source activates when commanded velocity is zero and the absolute value of the
following error is less than the InPosnWindow for at least the amount of time specified in the
InPosnTime parameter.
In Position Time InPosnTime
This parameter is the minimum amount of time that commanded motion must be complete
and the absolute value of the following error is less than the InPosnWindow parameter for the
InPosn source to activate.
In Position Window InPosnWindow
The absolute value of the following error must be less than this value at the completion of a
move for the InPosnTime before InPosn will activate.
Any Command Complete Jog.AnyCommandComplete
The Jog.AnyCommandComplete bit will activate when either Jog 0 or Jog 1 completes its
deceleration ramp and reaches zero commanded speed. It deactivates when another jog is
Accelerating Jog.#.Accelerating
This source is active while a jog is accelerating to its target velocity. Once the jog reaches the
target velocity, the Jog.#.Accererating bit will turn off.
Acceleration Jog.#.Accel
This parameter is the average acceleration ramp for the specific jog.