User manual

EC Fans—Lowering and Removing
47 Liebert
6.2 Removing the EC Fans
The EC fans in Liebert DS units can be removed for easier maintenance or for replacement.
1. Remove the middle and bottom panels from the front of the unit.
2. For ease of fan removal, Emerson recommends removing the infrared humidifier using the
approved infrared humidifier removal procedure.
3. If the fan to be removed has been lowered into the floor stand, position the factory supplied jack
and jack support under the fan module so it is safely supported before removing any hardware.
4. Remove any securing hardware used to retain the fan in the lowered position. Retain hardware
for fan module reinstallation.
5. Use the jack to raise the fan module slowly out of the floor stand and into the unit, ensuring that
the fan motor clears the front frame channel.
Risk of equipment snagging cables and wiring. Can cause unit damage.
Monitor the position of the fan harnesses and other parts while raising the fan to be sure that
they are not caught or pinched while the fan is being raised.
Risk of electric shock and high speed rotating fan blades. Can cause injury or death.
Disconnect all local and remote electric power supplies and verify that fan blades have
stopped rotating before working within.
Risk of very heavy fan modules dropping downward suddenly. Can cause injury or death.
Support fan modules before removing mounting hardware.
Use caution to keep body parts out of the fan modules pathway during repositioning.
Only properly trained and qualified personnel should work on this equipment.
Fan modules weigh in excess of 100 lb. (45.4kg) each.
The Liebert DS unit should be used with the fans either in their original raised position or with
the fans in their fully lowered position. Suspension of fans in an intermediate position will
directly affect product performance and is not recommended.
A properly positioned jack will be centered between the first and second set of tabs on the jack
support. The jack will be biased toward the front of the unit. If the fan module is fully raised,
proceed to Step 6.