
Branson High-Performance
Ultrasonic Systems Are Serving the
Metal Welding Needs of the
Worldwide Industrial Community.
Branson High-Performance
Ultrasonic Systems Are Serving the
Metal Welding Needs of the
Worldwide Industrial Community.
Ultrasonic Metal Welding
Branson application breakthroughs include the first
successful ultrasonic equipment to splice electrical
cables for wire harnesses, and welding batteries such
as those used for the Mars rover. Branson continues to
lead the industry with innovative new products that
ensure reliability, minimal maintenance, a superior
end product and low cost per weld. All systems are
easily integrated into a variety of production setups,
whether manual, semi- or fully-automated.
Branson has a network of metal
welding applications laboratories
strategically located throughout
the world. Through feasibility
testing, prototype development
and production cost assessment,
Branson’s engineers will thoroughly
evaluate your needs and provide
the ultrasonic process that meets or
exceeds your welding parameters.
A Global Network
of Applications Labs
Application Experience