User manual

Liebert SN
Sensor Installation (Optional)
49 Emerson
The RPC2 is designed to monitor Liebert SN integrated and modular sensors.
Integrated sensors are attached to a single cable. These Liebert SN sensors are available in
several varieties, including single or multiple temperature sensors.
Modular sensors are separate probes shipped with a cable for connection to the RPC2
communications module.
Liebert SN sensors may be connected in a string, including a combination of modular and
integrated sensors.
The maximum string length is 65.6 ft. (20m).
The maximum number of probes that may be connected to a Liebert MPH
or Liebert MPX
10. Refer also to the quick-start guides for integrated (SL-20840) and modular (SL-52405)
sensors. See the sensor quick-start guides for details on the number of probes in each type of
Liebert SN sensors may be placed in any area—for example, in a Knurr
rack—to monitor conditions
such as temperature and humidity levels or the state of a contact.
6.1 Introduction
Installing a sensor requires mounting the sensor, connecting it to Liebert monitoring equipment,
confirming the change and configuring sensor parameters:
6.2 Record the Sensor Address
During configuration, the Web interface will
display the addresses of all connected sensors.
You will need to be able to identify which
address belongs to each sensor.
Be sure to make a note of each sensor’s address
before mounting and connecting sensors.
The sensor address can be found on the sensor
itself (modular sensors) or the RJ45 end of the
sensor cable (integrated sensors), shown in the
examples at right.
6.3 Mount the Sensor
The sensor may be mounted in an Emerson rack or another type of rack.
For temperature and humidity sensors, be sure to choose a place with unobstructed airflow—for
example, on the rack door. Check to make sure that the sensor does not cover any vents that might
impede airflow.
Refer to the sensor quick-start guide for detailed instructions for each of the following four options:
Mount on a Knurr rack frame or 19-inch rail
Mount the sensor on the rack door
Mount the sensor on a flat surface
Mount the sensor on the rack rails
6.2 - Record the Sensor Address - Write the addresses of all sensors on labels and in a log
6.3 - Mount the Sensor - Mount the sensor securely in the appropriate location
6.4 - Connect the Sensor - Attach the cable to the sensor port on the Liebert product
6.5 - Confirm the Module Change - Acknowledge the sensor connection via the Web interface
6.6 - Configure the Sensor - Configure parameters such as thresholds to trigger alarms
Address for one sensor:
1 temperature sensor (T)
Addresses for four sensors:
3 temperature (T1, T2, T3)
1 humidity (H2)