Operation Manual

Image 14 ThumbGen
6. In this case, we have selected a dutch database for retrieving the (detailed)
information and cover art.
7. Click ‘Option’ after which the Option page appears. On this option page you need
to select which information needs to be shown. We only want the thumbnail and
the main movie sheet to be added, as shown in the following image:
Image 15 ThumbGen
8. Click ‘OK’ at the bottom of the page after which the main page will be shown
9. Click ‘Options’ again.
10. Click ‘Input/Output Naming’. At ‘Thumbnail’, you need to make sure the output is
$M\folder’. At ‘Main moviesheet’, you need to make sure the output is
$M\poster and ‘Extra Thumbnail needs to be ‘$M\$N’, as shown in the following
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